In this episode of RPM, we’re continuing our conversation about the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). More than a year out from the Act’s passing, details of the tax laws and mechanisms for deployment are being finalized. Joining co-host Maribel Yoo to revisit this topic is Bhavika Vyas, managing director and member of the responsible investment team at StepStone and special guest Julio Friedmann, Chief Scientist at Carbon Direct. Our guests cover:

  • A refresher on IRA (1:39);
  • Projects awaiting clarification (4:16);
  • Political durability (11:07)
  • Global landscape and the effects of the IRA (15:49); and
  • Investment opportunity remains (20:09). 

Read the transcript here.

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Learn more about the IRA

Listen to our previous podcast, Building to Zero: Inflation Reduction Act, a platform for growth.

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