StepStone seeks to integrate climate change considerations at all stages of our investment processes and throughout our internal operations.

StepStone recognizes the Paris Agreement and supports those of our clients seeking to build Paris Agreement aligned portfolios that are consistent with reducing global net emissions by 2050. Further, StepStone supports our clients in meeting their institutional responsibilities with respect to sustainable finance initiatives, which may include net zero carbon commitments and related disclosure and reporting requirements. The effects of climate change are far-reaching, posing complex challenges for every industry and requiring a globally coordinated response. StepStone recognizes the risks and opportunities that climate change poses and commits to continually improving its performance on climate change issues both at the corporate operational level and within our investment activities.

In 2019, we became a signatory to the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’), and commit to reporting according to the TCFD. In addition, we became members of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (‘IIGCC’), Initiative Climat International (‘iCI’), and we participate in a variety of workgroups to actively contribute within these organizations.

This policy is implemented by the Responsible Investment (RI) Committee and applied globally across the firm’s asset classes and investment strategies.

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