By documenting our stewardship and responsible investment activities, we are able to remain focused on advocating for continued change across private markets and drive an intentional shift to fund a more sustainable world. It is our duty as stewards and responsible investors to carefully consider the broad spectrum of ever-evolving issues across the range of asset classes, industries and geographies that we invest in, and respond in alignment with our investment beliefs.

In the pages of this report, we highlight the considerations and actions that have taken place throughout 2022, reflecting on the challenges and opportunities faced during the year and outlining our priorities moving forward.

Throughout the reporting year, we have continued to exercise our own rights and responsibilities as private markets investors through our LPAC seats and board seats, which provide StepStone with positions of influence to advocate for outcomes in the best interest of our clients.

As with all of our stewardship activities more broadly, we recognize there remains significant room for growth and we are therefore committed to enhancing our efforts further.

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